Priyan de Mel, Niroch Fernando & Andrew Seden

Coming from 3 different career backgrounds with one passion in common:
The love for food!

They have decided to work together and share this love with you all!!

Sunday, 17 January 2010


Its Sunday the 17th and there are exactly 14 days till we take over the premises. There is oh so much to do, and well apart from the food.... its the beverages, take away stuff and coffee that need be sorted!!! It was all Snap Crackling and Pops today with piggy in the oven... however as good as it tastes, I dont want people dropping dead around me!!! :) Its gonna be a weekly treat!!!

One would think that cooking and tasting dishes is great fun.... Its fun but tiring and when I cook a dish and kick myself for silly mistakes, its funny to hear others talk about things that I think are perfect!!!! hmmmm. Everyone is gonna have an opinion. No more hiding behind a kitchen and not hearing comments!!! Forget about thick skinned.... thick eared!! :)

Await pictures and all your thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated.

---- My first post. Not going to be as vivid as I am in real life or on facebook. Just gonna talk about food, food and more food!!! YAY!!!

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