Priyan de Mel, Niroch Fernando & Andrew Seden

Coming from 3 different career backgrounds with one passion in common:
The love for food!

They have decided to work together and share this love with you all!!

Friday, 29 January 2010

8 days left to the Opening Day!!

Niroch is going nuts and cant wait for the Cafe to open and all the deliveries to arrive!! He already thinks he needs a PA...hahaha
Tomorrow we are giving a make over to the Cafe...Exciting! Priyan and his guys will do some magics to create an ambiance and give a character to the place!
Dimitri is letting the locals know about GastroCafe...basically he is flirting with the ladies in the area and invite them over... u call this a job??? Crazy world!!
Serena will join him on Sunday to make sure he is giving out the right info and not just his telephone number!!!
Dagmara was very creative and has done and printed all the INVITES and NOW WE are waiting for all of You to Join US!!!

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